Sunday, November 25, 2007


The last I wrote, I was off to the rink on Monday after a competition weekend; I had a GREAT day. In fact, I had a GREAT week (though only three days long). I mean GREAT!! Not one day did I feel on top of my game going into the rink, but it didn't matter... I did what I went to do and made my days great. For the first time this entire season I managed to get my mind back in the right place.

Sounds cliche, and I think some athletic company uses it as a slogan, but the best approach seems to be, "just do it!" (No ifs/ands/or buts).

Here's to another great week. Cheers!



Jazzpants said...

Glad to hear (and very interesting) that you had a great week last week after a major competition. As you said before: "Keep that feeling!" I usually am out of it the week after the competition, if not the week after that. Then again, it might also be because my coaches are usually upping the ante on me on the lessons right after a competition too!!! No mercy!!! LOL!!!

You pretty much hit the sentiments I had mentioned early to just "do it." (It's from Nike... but I think you knew that.) ;-) Overthinking things takes too much energy (that I could be putting towards my own skating! Har har...)

My question for you is... do you ease off your off-ice training a bit the week before to "save it (energy/strength/etc.) for the competition?" Increase or decrease your on-ice time, etc. I usually keep everything the same but some skaters increase their ice time. I keep thinking that would more than likely burn out a skater...

Love your blog! Like the insight coming from someone preparing for US Nationals! Kinda similar to me preparing for my own competitions in some ways actually.

lutzbutz2687 said...

Good for you BOGO!! I wish I had the same feeling when I got back on the ice after Southwesterns, might not have helped that I didn't skate again till I was home for Thanksgiving but oh well!! LOL Keep that feeling through Nationals and maybe you'll be the surprise medalist this year. After last year, ANYTHING could happen.

Cleo said...

Hey Braden! I watched your programs from SWesterns on and really liked the new short program - esp the powerful opening: footwork into 3loop, deathdrop (or whatever it's called) and the supercool footwork. How did you re-choreograph it? (Sectionals programs for sr. men are not on icenetwork, dang!, so I can't watch them.)

And what is the SP music called? My son (the tap dancer) loved it and thinks his tap teacher could choreo a tap piece to it (she's really good - the music isn't exactly "tappish" :-)).

Your LP is wonderfully entertaining of course. I'm glad you kept it for another season.

And, of course, congrats on making Nationals! I hope the training keeps going well - you have the right attitude. I'm sure it's really hard to get it back in gear after having to take so much time off. Be careful on the bike from now on, OK?